Online Bridge Tuition

Oasis Bridge Tuition offers you the opportunity to learn bridge online with free videos





What is Online Bridge Tuition Like?


Learn how to play bridge online with fun, informative videos .

Although the bidding system is modern Acol, Lessons on DECLARER play and DEFENCE are suitable for Acol and Standard players. 




What do I need to learn to play bridge?

You will be able to rewind and replay YouTube videos so you can learn at your own pace. It may help to take notes and use a crib sheet. Practice is important in learning the game, so it's worth signing up to online sites such as 'Bridge Base Online' and 'IntoBridge' where you can play and practice against the computer or join in live games.

Lessons for Beginners and Improvers. You may never have played cards before, or would like to increase your confidence in bidding, play and defence.


Video Course

Learn to Play Bridge: Beginners

Beginners Course on YouTube: For complete beginners or existing players keen to revise the basics.

1. Bridge Basics: Taking tricks

2. Opening 1NT and Responses

3. Opening One of a Suit and Responses

4. Declarer Play Tactics

5. Suit Overcalls and Responses

6. Opening Leads in Defence

7. Stayman Convention

8. Opener's Rebid: Reverses and Jumps 

9. Better Defence

   Acol Cribsheet:  DOWNLOAD                                                                                                                                                               



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 Learn to play bridge online with Oasis Bridge Tuition

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