
Bridge improver tuition videos


at a time

2C Opening Bid: Part 1

The Opening bid of 2C is artificial - it doesn't say anything about your clubs. The bid is forcing to game and neither partner may pass until at least a game contract is reached. T...  more  

2C Opening Bid: Part 2

The 2C opening bid is a strong, artificial bid. In Part 1 we looked at a hand with 23 High Card Points, now we tackle a hand with fewer points, but with great trick taking ability....  more  

Bending the Rules: Bid to the Value of your Hand

Rules and guidelines in our bidding systems aim to give us the best way of communicating information about our hand to partner. But this isn't the whole story and our own judgement...  more  

Bidding a No Trump Slam

How often do you bid 6NT or 7NT? Probably not often enough! Bidding and making a slam contract is a challenging but very satisfying aspect of bridge, rewarded with high scores. You...  more  

Bidding a Misfit Hand

What do you do when you and partner can't find an eight-card suit fit? Frequently you will find yourself in a NT contract going down - misfit hands can be a real challenge. Take a ...  more  

Common Bridge Mistakes: Supporting Partner's Minor

When partner opens one of a minor suit (diamonds or clubs) it may be fine to support with four or more cards. However, if you hold a 4-card major suit (spades or hearts) it is usua...  more  

Weak Suit Preference

When partner has bid two suits and you have a weak hand and no 8-card fit, it's usually best to leave the contract in the longest suit at the lowest level possible. It can be easy...  more  

Taking a Finesse: Learn to Play Bridge

Taking a finesse is a technique to try and make an extra trick or tricks by winning with a lower honour card when opponents have higher honour cards. It works about 50% of the tim...  more  

Opening 4441 Hands

4441 hands are difficult to open as they have no long suit and they're not really balanced. If you open one of a suit and bid a second suit you promise five or more cards in the fi...  more  

2NT Opening Bid

The opening bid of 1NT shows a balanced hand 12 –14 HCP (Acol) or 15-17 (Standard). In both systems, an opening bid of 2NT is much stronger and shows around 20 – 22 HCP. The hand n...  more